Thursday, July 10, 2008

Error 913


Error 913: A Remote Access Client attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Routers only (also re: Error 629 and 645). The event viewer may also generate the following event:

Event ID: 20188
Source: RemoteAccess
Description: The user username, attempting to connect on port, was disconnected because of the following reason:
A Remote Access Client attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Routers only.


The is a Service Provider Issue (Verizon). Call them, ask for a LEVEL 3 technician on their end and have the DMU KEY settings reset. (This is the best solution I can suggest.)


1. Enable Remote access connections. To do this, go to Routing and Remote Access administrative tool>Ports>Properties, click the appropriate port (L2TP, Modem, PPTP, LPT1, and so on), and then click Configure, and then check the Remote access connections (inbound only).

2. Double-click the "Incoming Connections" icon on network connections folder and make sure "Allow VPN Connections" is enabled.


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. This was very helpful and resolved 913 error on my system. I spent 2 days with Verizon support guys who had no clue about the cause of the error. They asked me to install wrong VZAccess version, then wrong drivers for my card, then call Dell support because I use Dell's card, etc... etc... I found your blog and asked them right away to reset the DMU key, which they refused for a long time as irrelevant. The bottom line, they reset the key and it worked as a charm.

Hope this comment will help other people too.
